The prognosticators who declared that the magazine industry is dead might now be rethinking their dark prediction. While tablets and computers are changing the when and where we watch our favourite television programmes, tablets have breathed a whole new life into the magazine world. Speciality, lifestyle and news magazines are gaining rapid growth each passing month for those who want their special interest fix digitally.
For the digital consumer, magazine tablet apps are a “win – win” for both reader and advertiser. The digital edition brings the pages of the magazine to life with enrichments that include videos, expanded photo galleries and editorials. The advertising content is also enhanced as advertisers can also bring their ads to life and make them fully engaging with the reader. Ad features can include Deep-linking to e-commerce, Swipe Photo Galleries and custom Video.
Reader engagement is further enhanced when the advertiser works hand in hand with the publishing creative team for maximum impact on their advertising message. Buying the medium will challenge all of your traditional CPM reference points as the publisher’s push the notion of “engagement rate”. It is still early days for this “new” consumer delivery medium and advertisers should be viewing it as early adopter days.